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Pressure grows on EU supermarkets to deliver on prices

The European Commission has been told to get on with the job of curtailing the ‘buying power’ of supermarkets and delivering greater levels of transparency along the food chain.

Fonte: Farming Life

The European Commission has been told to get on with the job of curtailing the ‘buying power’ of supermarkets and delivering greater levels of transparency along the food chain.

This was the main trend identified courtesy of a recent public consultation process, entered into by Brussels, following the recent publication of its draft policy document on ways to improve the functioning of the EU’s food chain. The Commission’s initial analysis of the subject laid out four policy options. These included the feasibility of Brussels taking action on the issues of unfair trading practices and market transparency. The objective of policy action, in the field of unfair trading practices, would be to strengthen governance of the food supply chain by preventing undue pressure on weaker operators in the chain, including farmers. Legal certainty would also be enhanced for these groupings.

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